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How to Provide Accessible Information under the Equality Act?

In the United Kingdom, companies and organisations have legal obligations to provide information in accessible formats to ensure compliance with the Equality Act 2010. The Equality Act is the primary piece of legislation that addresses discrimination and promotes equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities in various aspects of public life, including access to goods and services.

Under the Equality Act 2010, it is unlawful for companies and organisations to discriminate against people with disabilities, which includes failing to provide reasonable adjustments to ensure accessibility. Providing information in accessible formats is one of the reasonable adjustments that may be required to ensure that individuals with disabilities can access your goods and services.

Here are key points related to providing information in accessible formats under the Equality Act:

1. Reasonable Adjustments: 

The Act requires organisations to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that individuals with disabilities are not put at a substantial disadvantage when accessing their goods or services. Providing information in accessible formats is often considered a reasonable adjustment.

2. Services and Information:

This obligation applies to the provision of services, information, and communication. It includes websites, printed materials, digital documents, and any other means by which your company communicates with the public or provides services.

3. Anticipatory Duty: 

Companies and organisations are expected to anticipate the needs of individuals with disabilities and take proactive steps to ensure accessibility, rather than waiting for a specific request.

4. Public Sector Equality Duty:

Public sector organisations also have specific obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty to promote equality and foster good relations among all individuals, including those with disabilities.

5. Reasonable Timeframes:

 While there may be a duty to provide accessible information, the specific requirements and timeframes for compliance may vary based on the circumstances and the nature of the information or service.

Failure to make reasonable adjustments, including providing information in accessible formats, could result in legal action, including discrimination claims, against your company or organisation.

To ensure compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and to promote inclusivity, it is advisable to:

  • Assess your company’s policies, practices, and communication methods to identify areas where accessibility improvements may be needed.

  • Consult with individuals or organisations representing people with disabilities to understand specific accessibility requirements.

  • Implement accessibility best practices in your websites, documents, and communication materials.

  • Be prepared to provide information in accessible formats when requested by individuals with disabilities.

It’s important to consult with legal experts or accessibility specialists to ensure full compliance with the Equality Act and other relevant legislation in the UK.

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